Lucas Johnson | Developer
fog covered mountains

Lucas Johnson Software Developer

me canyoneering down a waterfall

About Me


I am a fullstack web and mobile developer. I've graduated from the British Columbia Institute of Technology with a Certificate in Software System Development. I have experience with Swift, Node, and dotnet. Just to name a few.

My background is in physics and I have a bachelor's in physics from UBC. I've always loved math and learning how things work. I'm drawn to programming and computer science because I have a passion for what is useful.

My focus at the moment is on fullstack iOS development. Although I'm also comfortable with crossplatform or android development. I enjoy working with SwiftUI and using UIKit integrations for the more complex apps.

ocean and mountains near hong kong





Sonar Music Network App

An app for musicians to find bands. I built the frontend for this over the course of a month while working 20 hours a week at Safeway. I had never done swiftUI before and the whole thing was a blast!

The app for the sonar music network

M and M predictor

A solo project with some image recognition. Object detection on M and M's.

some M and M's

SwiftUI IconDotNet IconNode JS IconReact IconJavascript IconC sharp Icondocker IconGatsby IconGit IconMongo Leaf IconNode JS IconSwift IconSwiftUI Icon



© Copyright 2021. Lucas Johnson